Advance Bravely Chapter 45

\n\nTranslator: Editor: @anhnguyen12332\nFeng Ge's compliments for Junjun when talking to his fans! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ’•\nPic1: " Junjun's hands are really beautiful." โœŒ
Pic3: "Junjun is really Shuai ah! He brings a new sensation, like a fresh breeze."\n(Translations might not be 100% close to the original text) Cre: @็พ…่ฑšolanda @thebatkhadangsaikedan\n\n\n**********************\nThe first of october was the national holiday and also the busiest day for the cops.\nXia Yao, from the first to the fourth, was always up to ears in work: going on patrol, ensuring the security, etc. He had to be ready at Tian An Gate since 6 in the morning, took care of the tourists at the Ancient Castle Museum at noon. In the afternoon, he worked at the the amusement park. In the evening, he was with the security team at an open market near Beijing.\nBut that apparently was not all, he was not just guarding the tourists, Xia Yao himself turned out to be one of the attractions of the day. (๐Ÿ™„ Figures...)\n\nAttraction, in this case, was the perfect word used to describe a handsome police officer, armed to the teeth, patrolling typical landmarks of Beijing. He was like a magnet, especially for the ladies.\n"Come quick, I just saw an unbelievably handsome police officer. Let me show you."\n"A a a, hurry, help me take a photo of the officer over there."\n"..."\nIt seems that Xia Yao had turned into a zoo animal, being watched and shot at by countless tourists. Everyone wanted to take photos, there were even a few situations which people took photo "with" him without his knowledge. =_=\nThat night, as Xia Yao was strolling between a sea of people, he suddenly remembered Xuan Da Yu's business. He ran to the private club which he had drank with the guys a few days earlier, and asked for the security footage. He aimed to use it to find out about Wang Zhi Shui's appearance, which would help identify the guy more clearly during a personal investigation.\nXia Yao played the video back to past ten o'clock, assuming that that was the time they left the place. Customers were leaving in groups. Peng Ze got into Dou Ye's car, slowly drove out of sight. Then he saw two shadows blending into each other appearing in front of the club's door, he became seriously focused.\nThose two were definitely him and Xuan Da Yu.\nBut...if Xuan Da Yu was the one who carried him home, then how could he have later jumped on Yuan Zong's back?\nXia Yao was still lost in thought when, in split-second, he saw that Yuan Zong, out of nowhere, was carrying him. He couldn't make head nor tail of how that transition in such a short time was possible.\nImmediately, he played the tape back and gazed at the screen without blinking.\nThe target showed himself, staggering towards Xuan Da Yu. Then, from the shadows, another shadow came forward, Wang Zhi Shui had already gotten onto Xuan Da Yu's back while Xia Yao himself was transferred to Yuan Zong's, technically how, he couldn't figure it out.\nThe exchange happened in the blink of an eye. Xia Yao literally couldn't catch up with Yuan Zong's speed. Let's not talk about his unreal techniques, but looking at his brute strength alone, just how human is he? Apparently, two thickset men were child play to him, as he seemed to be able to pull off something like that with one hand tied behind his back.ย ย \nIt was as if Xia Yao was watching a horror movie, his spine suddenly turned cold.\nXia Yao set the speed of the video ten times slower. After having watched carefully, all thoughts were banished by the outburst of rage.\nSon of the bitch, how dare him play me like that ?!\nBut no matter how angry he was, this had already happened, there was nothing more to it. He regained his calm. The priority of the case was Wang Zhi Shui, the reason why Xia Yao watched the camera footage.\nTherefore, he again played it back, set in slow motion mode, finally got hold of Wang Zhi Shui's appearance.\nXia Yao researched the personal files from the Police department, looking for the man's name. He came to the conclusion that, within his ability, he couldn't find anyone that matched with Xuan Da Yu's description and the image appeared in the video.\n\nThe next day, he told Xuan Da Yu the result of the investigation.\n"Come on!" Xuan Da Yu said, "There is no way on earth can he be from any elsewhere. His accent gave it away. A guy with that perfect Beijing accent has to be a local."\n"However, it is also possible that he grew up in Beijing, then moved away. "\n"Get real, Xia Yao!" Xuan Da Yu said determinately, "Look at him, I can tell that he's already too lucky to be living in Beijing, let alone moving away. "\n"Okay...let me check the demographics."\nHowever, to no avail, he could not find anything.\n"Maybe he has a fake ID?" Xia Yao asked.\nXuan Da Yu scowled, "You mean he's a conman? It was his deliberate move to climb onto my back?"\n"It's not like that." Said Xia Yao.\n"How can you be so sure?"\n"Huh?...Weren't you the one who told me that, on that day, you had just returned to Beijing, he couldn't be stalking you. "\n"Are there any videos. Let me have a look. "\nExpressionless, Xia Yao immediately denied everything, "There's no need to, I've watched the whole thing. You and I didn't even leave the club together, that guy did. You directly pulled him onto your back."\n"So you are saying...I should be blamed?"\nXia Yao nodded without hesitation, lying to his own conscience.\nThis came out of the blue for Xuan Da Yu, "Doesn't that mean I got myself into trouble?"\nXia Yao decided to change the subject, "Forget him, it's not the holiday, isn't it? Tell me, where have you visited these days?"\nXuan Da Yu answered tiredly, "Haiz, You should know this more than anyone else. You are always busy, so I asked Peng Ze to drive me around, to see how much our Beijing has changed. Then, as I should have seen it coming, it was bustling out there. Let me tell you this, I'm done, next time, I'd rather die than to go out in a time like this. "\nXia Yao chuckled, stuffed a cigarette into Xuan Da Yu's mouth.\nWhen he took it, he even bit Xia Yao's hand a little.\n"Ay yoo, are you a dog or something?"\nXuan Da Yu replied, "Hey I got it. You will get a day off tomorrow right?! Let's get together and played cards. I haven't been around for quite some time. There are so many people I didn't get the chance to meet up with. This would be a perfect opportunity to rebuild the bond, you know?!"\n"You go." Xia Yao gently blew out the smoke in his mouth and refused, "I have taken on too much work these days. There is nothing I'd like to do more than lie home, making use of two precious days off. "\nXuan Da Yu, although disappointed, didn't want to force Xia Yao as it was apparent that he was completely exhausted\nThat wasn't the case though, Xia Yao was actually perfectly normal, excepting for the fact that he was missing that racing motorbike.\nTo make sure that there would be no "unexpected surprise", Xia Yao and Yuan Zong both agreed that on this trip, relaxing is first priority before sight-seeing. They would return right afterwards, under no circumstance would they stay for the night. To make use of the time, they arranged to set off at four in the morning, reach the Yellow River and hang out, eat barbecue for lunch and returned to Beijing in the afternoon, so they would be home by night.\nUnfortunately, plans never goes the way you want it to.\nAt half past three, Xia Yao heard the sound of the alarm clock and thought he was dreaming.\nAt four o'clock, Yuan Zong came by, knocking on the window, Xia Yao woke up, unbrushed hair, sleepy eyes. He didn't have the kind of strength to care anymore, just simply put on shorts, tiredly walked to the bathroom, not bothered with the fact that his smooth, white legs had accidentally caught Yuan Zong's attention, again giving rise to that dirty idea of staying over night.\nXia Yao, half an hour later, appeared before Yuan Zong, comparing to the person he was at 4am, he was like a new person.\nAwesome looking black helmet, black leather jacket, shoes with nails, super cool. He walked up to Yuan Zong without a word, he did not jump on the motorbike, but with that typical nature of a cop, stared Yuan Zong right through the eyes. It was almost as if he was seeing through that dirty person's mind, the one dared to pull off such ridiculous switch.\nYuan Zong fearlessly glued his eyes onto Xia Yao's face.\n"Your staring is making me hard." (T_T ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ต)\nThis fueled Xia Yao's rage. He was just about to kick Yuan Zong in the ass when Yuan Zong stopped him, "Don't act on impulse, your mother is still asleep. "\nXia Yao had no choice but to calm down and got on the bike.\nThe two decided that each would drive a part of the route. Since Beijing was closely monitored and Xia Yao didn't have a license, he let Yuan Zong drive first.\nThe motorbike was moving at high speed, at five in the morning, the sun hasn't come up yet, there were merely no obstacles on the way.\nXia Yao, sitting at the back, was feeling sleepy. He told himself not to fall asleep, no matter what. Don't fall asleep! I have to keep my eyes open. I won't give in. This is not just as simple as sleeping while sleeping on somebody's back. This is war, you sleep, you die.\nXia Yao told himself again and again, but he couldn't resist it and dropped off on Yuan Zong's back, his arms, in the most natural way, curved around Yuan Zong's waist.\n"That little..." Yuan Zong smiled. He slowed the bike and especially chose some fine road to travel, just to ensure that Xia Yao could get a good sleep.\nAnd so they continued to fall behind schedule for another hour.\n*********************\nOhhhh...things are getting good guys!!! Just bear with me ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰\nThank you to for translating this 2000 words chapter alone! ^^ She worked really hard โค๏ธ\nLove,Ann\n