Advance Bravely Chapter 34

\n\nTranslator: @anhnguyen12332\n\n
Addicted BTS: Since it seems like you guys haven't seen the new videos, I'll do a rough translation in my Addicted Book β€οΈπŸ‘ŒπŸ»βœŒπŸ»οΈHowever, I think you'll have to wait a bit ^^ <3 \n*******************\nBarely had Wang Zhi Sui made any protests when Xuan Da Yu pulled his collar, dragging him to the living room. Xuan Da Yu, showing no sign of mercy, nearly violated Zhi Sui as he lifted a fist, repeatedly threatening, "Are you going or not? Going or not?"\nThis Wang Zhi Sui guy was undoubtedly out of the ordinary. Supposing there was another trapped in this situation, that fellow would have fearfully rushed away with the money, was there any fool that wanted to stay still and let himself be bullied? However, Wang Zhi Sui was not that kind. The more furiously Da Yu shooed him away, the more bullheaded Zhi Sui became.\n"Listen to me bro, you are being too mean! Your house is large like this, it won't hurt if I find a place to sleep myself. To which degree can that affect your big man's convenience?"\nXuan Da Yu coldly replied, "I'm not used to letting strangers sleep at my house"\n"Then what about the guy that was supposed to be on your back? If you hadn't wanted to make him rest here overnight, why did you take him home?"\n"He's the exception!"\n"Then treat me like an exception too"\nDa Yu, with a frustrated face, scolded, "What gives you the right to be an exception?"\n"It is, our names!"\nWang Zhi Sui pulled out his identification, waving it in front of Da Yu's face.\n"What's the old saying? Five hundred times of looking back, in exchange for an encounter in the next life..."\nXuan Da Yu showed a face full of indignation, "It's 'Five hundred times of looking back, in exchange for an passing in the next life'."\n\n"Right right right, not an encounter, but a pass by, not much different from each other though. This is our fate, being drunk and carried home by you, then sharing fitted names, we must have tried looking back until our neck broke in the past life!"\n"Go away, I don't new you to be mouthy with me, take the money and disappear already!"\nXuan Da Yu pushed Wang Zhi Shui out.\nWang Zhi Shui grabbed hold of Xuan Da Yu's sleeves, not letting go, still cackling, "Da Yu Zhi Shui, Da Yu Zhi Shui, without me, how could you ever have become famous?" (What he means is the without the "water" then Da Yu the Great would never have been known. Please refer to last chapter for further explanation.)\n"Fucking hell, I don't need your water to be the fucking emperor!"\nWang Zhi Shui was dragged to the door where he hung on to the frame for his dear life, hehe haha at Xuan Da Yu, "An emperor should be concerned about his citizens' well beings!!"\nXuan Da Yu glanced at Wang Zhi Shui's hands that were green with veins, a hint of conceding in his eyes, a loud bang and the door was closed, "Fine! Is sleeping here good enough for you?"\nRecollecting his composure, he threw Wang Zhi Shui a pillow.\n"In the guest room!"\nWang Zhi Shui said, "I'm scared of sleeping alone." (πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’ͺ🏼)\n"Wanna die?" Xuan Da Yu angrily warned, "Stay out there, don't you dare step a foot inside here!"\nAnother loud bang fromXuan Da Yu's bedroom door, it was closed from within, then he put his headphones on, making sure nobody would disturb him.\nThe moment his head touched the pillow, Xuan Da Yu slept like a baby until dawn. He stretched on the bed, his hands were so tired that they could hardly be used. He instantly remembered last night's episode, wondering if that bastard has left? Having thought so, Xuan Da Yu wore his slippers and dragged his heavy feet out.\nAs the door opened, he could see that the sofa was spotless except for a pillow which made him sigh in relief\nHowever, when he glanced at the doorway, his head nearly exploded.\nAn empty shoes box.\nFour two five pairs of shoes have disappeared without wings, one of which is an extremely expensive leather pair, especially brought back from Italy, it has never been tried on but was already gone. Xuan Da Yu fan to the bedroom next door, opening up the cupboard, only to find nothing other than a few swim suits, underwear and socks...\nIt was probably unnecessary to mention his leather wallet. His phone along with money and his cards were also stolen.\nLoosing money is a small problem, the most infuriating thing was not being able to contact the outside word without his clothes and phone, so all he could do was sit and wait like a stupid person.\nFuck! Xuan Da Xu fisted his hands, his pale face dropped down to look at the floor, glaring at nothing when the door bell rang.\n***********************\nThe theme song is finally done! It was sang by Yuan Ru, Peng Ze, and Xuan Da Yu! ^^ So the moment we've all been waiting for is any minute now...!!! πŸ˜«πŸ˜«πŸ˜«πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ\nGod! The actors are like the hottest group of people I've ever seen!!! 😭😭😫😫😣😣😣😣 >_<\n\n\n\n\n