Shout outs to the people of Philippines who were affected by typhoon Sarika and Haima! Hope you guys are alright!\n******************\nTime flew, the special two-week training course by the seaside finally ended. Yuan Zong and his students went on a journey from Yen Tai back to Beijing.\nBefore the crew set off, Yuan Zong did some particular shopping for a well-known Yen Tai's Lai Yang pear, which is one of the local's specialities. In that he wasn't local, Yuan Zong carefully drove straight to the indigenous garden of Lai Yang, in order to make sure that he could buy the very best ones. He even climbed the trees and tried to pick the fruit by himself. It would be worth it since Lai Yang pears were beyond compare.\nNot until late at night did Yuan Zong's arrived in Beijing.\nXia Yao hadn't seen Yuan Zong for days. Life was pretty peaceful but for some reasons was also rather quiet.\nGreat Myna was still a 'garrulous' parrot. Once, properly because of a cold, it's voice suddenly turned raucous. The bird sounded like a mix between Tan Tian Feng and Ceng Zhi Wei. But even sickness couldn't keep its mouth shut.\nTo be fair, it wasn't the bird's fault that it caught a cold and wind up able to talk as if it had been born a human. However, not everyone sees a talkative bird as adorable. This is particularly correct in Xia Yao's case.\nOccasionally, sometimes when he gets lost in thoughts, a non-stop voice would appear, "Chirp , once upon a time,... Nothing can stay strong and united for too long...Hello everyone, my name is Ceng Zhi Wei..."\nFor Xia Yao's part, this bird had to go as soon as possible. The thought of getting rid of this creature has occurred to him for like a hundred times already but every single time he lifted the cage up, the bird would say " I love you" and that was all it took to soften him up. (Ann My heart melted into a puddle T_T)\nTherefore, he had been praying for Yuan Zong's return for two days, just so the guy could get the bird out of his sight.\nWhen Yuan Zong came, Xia Yao was on the phone, gossiping with Peng Ze. When he saw Yuan Zong, he immediately hung up.\n"Oh I gotta go take a shower, talk to you later, ok."\nYuan Zong walked towards Xia Yao, coincidentally noticed a slight joy through his expressions.\n"You're back."\nYuan Zong showed him a big bag of pears, "They're delicacies."\nThe thing was, pears had been Xia Yao's favorite fruit since forever. His mother used to put fresh pear in the lunch box for him when he went to school. Despite this, he tried to look like he wasn't in the least interested, "I've always have more than enough pears to eat back in my place. I only eat pears which are offerings, high standard, with absolutely no insecticide, get it? Who needs some pears that are so clearly bought from some poor, normal shop on the street huh?"\n\nHaving heard all that, Yuan Zong did nothing but just turned around and walked away.\nXia Yao, all of the sudden, changed his attitude, "Fine, give it."\nYuan Zong looked at him askance and asked, "Didn't you just say that my pears are not up to standard?"\nXia Yao justified, "Haiz, it's called a change for a day. Sometimes it's acceptable to eat something from the poor."\nNot waiting for a reaction, He chided again, "Aiyoo, give it." (Ann: I swear, got the "Aiyoo" from watching Korean Dramas =))) )\nYuan Zong continued to walk away.\nXia Yao finally shouted from behind, "I said, give it!"\nYuan Zong then walked up to Xia Yao and gave him the pears.\nXia Yao took a knife and peeled off the skin. He didn't seem to get the hang of how to peel off fruit skin properly, let alone how slowly he did it, the skin even came out thick and in pieces. (Ann: what is it with Chai Jidan and Bottoms not know how to cook? :)))) Just look at Bai Luoyin :3)\n"So clumsy," said Yuan Zong, after having seen enough. He snatched the pear and the knife from Xia Yao and did the peeling for him.\nXia Yao was intending to refuse, but as soon as he could open his mouth to say something, the pear was already half peeled. The skin was beautifully even and paper-thin.\nThe pear then looked like a delicious vanilla ice cream. Xia Yao pulled up a face as he said, "Huh, despite its's ugly appearance, the pear itself seems quite good...The flesh is rather succulent."\nNot as succulent as you. Yuan Zong thought to himself.\nXia Yao bit into the fruit. The taste was cloudy soft and sweet, juicy flesh, and as sweet as sugar...It was nothing less than a gift from heaven. He couldn't help but showed a glint of appraisal. When he noticed Yuan Zong staring at him, he tried to remain composed neglectfully.\n"How is it?"\n"It's fine I guess. least better than I had expected."\nHe continued enjoying the pear but Yuan Zong kept staring. He stopped and very awkwardly asked,"You want some? I can cut it up for u a half."\n"Pears mustn't be eaten that way! [1]"\n([1] "pear" in Chinese is "梨", "separation" in Chinese is "离". These two word have the same way of pronouncing so people are superstitious as not to share a pear.)\n"Oh, come on, that's a childish belief."\nXia Yao grimaced as he halved the pear, "Besides, if there's any chance you'd be out of my life, I'll take it"\nXia Yao gave one half to Yuan Zong. However, Yuan Zong didn't take it with his hand but used his mouth to take it off Xia Yao's hand instead, even taking the chance to lick the remaining juice off his finger tips. \nXia Yao immediately snatched his hand back, his eyes a cloud of anger.\n"What is wrong with you? Do you want a punch in the face, huh?"\n"No need to exaggerate. I only licked a little," replied Yuan Zong.\nXia Yao hit the roof. "Who the heck gives you the right to lick my hand huh?! You son of a-"\nYuan Zong did not let him finish before grabbing his fingers and licking them again.\n"Fuck you!"\n\nYuan Zong instantly turned scary, his gaze were murderous. "Don't you dare say another swear word."\nTo be honest, it couldn't be helped that Xia Yao was frightened by Yuan Zong, even those big ass instructors from the company felt threatened by him. In that case, Xia Yao could be counted as courageous, knowing that Yuan Zong wouldn't really hurt him.\n"Fuck you."\nYuan Zong forcefully pinched Xia Yao's cheek.\nXia Yao couldn't put up with him any longer. It wasn't like his cheek was seriously hurt but the embarrassment that came with it, Who on earth do you think you are? I, Xia Yao, have just called you names, then what huh? I'd love to do that again!\nAnd he really said another one, seeing that Yuan Zong was reaching forward again, he immediately shut the window.\nI will snap your finger off. \nHowever, there was only one loud sound of the cracked glass, Yuan Zong was still fine.\nWhile Xia Yao was still surprised, Yuan Zong literally reached out once more and strongly pulled his cheek.\nRight when they were arguing the toss, Xia Yao's mother came to his room, "I've just heard something, are you alright ?"\nXia Yao tried to calm down and answered, "Everything is ok, I just closed the windows, that's all."\n"Closing the windows? How many times have I told you not to close them so roughly like that?!"\n"Yes, I know. My bad."\nAfter she left, Xia Yao snarled at Yuan Zong, "Get your freaking bird get the hell out of here, you jerk."\n* * * \nAfter the final catch of the last suspect, the gun shooting case was cracked. Albeit the fact that Yuan Zong had accidentally caused many death while helping the police stop the criminals, the situation then was typical a plus in his undeniable effort in the final catch so he was officially off the hook. Nevertheless, financial compensation for the suspect's family was required. But the troubles seemed to have resolved themselves.\nAlthough, it was not until having received the official announcement of the judge from the court did Xia Yao quit worrying.\nHaving been snowed under with work, Xia Yao hadn't got the time to look after Little Myna. That day, when he came home, he found his bird was completely off colors. He just tiredly flew around inside the cage, didn't make a sound, no matter what.\n"Xiao Hei, Hei Hei! Hello? Hello?"Xia Yao talked to the bird, smiled at him but he didn't care. (Ann: Xiao Heo is the bird's name by the way ^^)\n"Oh Xiao Hei, are you mad at me? Come on look at me. Xiao Hei? Hello? Or u can just eat, huh, please eat?"\nHis mom entered and said, "Maybe he misses the other bird. "\nHow? That naughty bird? Xia Yao remembered when that bird was here, these two fought like non-stop, his Xiao Hei often got bullied by that thing. But his mother said, "Birds are like that. It needs a friend."\nXia Yao couldn't believe this. He put the cage down and looked at his myna for a while. Then he imitated Tan Tien Pheng to check his bird, "A story of how the kingdoms united, but nothing stays together forever..."\nAll at once, Xiao Hei's little eyes sparkled, he excitedly asked:" Who is that? Who is that?"\nXia Yao couldn't believe his eyes, "Hello everyone, my name is Ceng Zhi Wei."\nXiao Hei seemed to be energized, "Applause! Applause!"\nXia Yao then felt unbelievably ashamed of his bird.\nThat afternoon, after working hours, Xia Yao went to the market to look for a same size bird as that Great Myna. The most important thing was that this bird had to be nice, quiet. He didn't want to buy a bird that was loud and naughty like that other creature.\nAs soon as he got home, he put the new bird in another cage and hung it next to Little Myna.\nAfter that, he patiently waited, waited for the touching scenario of the 2 birds getting along like house on fire. This new bird's voice was warmer and silkier than that last Great Myna. And the greatest thing was that he wouldn't fight nor bully Xiao Hei. He would be a gentle, learned pet.\nHowever, it turned out that Xiao Hei didn't even look at the new friend. He kept staying in a bad mood.\nSimultaneously, the new comer, wasn't pleased with his neighbor's attitude, consequently turned cold and distant.\nGreat! Such a lovely, kind friend can't cheer you up but that rascal can?! This is low, even for a bird.\n********************\nLoving the birds!!! >_< Arrghhh! Looks like our Xiao Hei has fallen for Great Myna ^^ and anytime now, Xia Yao would do the same for it's owner ✌🏻️😋\nLove,Ann\nP.S These chapters are the LONGEST EVER! My poor soul 😭😭😭\n