Advance Bravely Chapter 17

\n\nTranslator: @Anhnguyen12332\n
The story behind the kiss: (get the popcorns, cause you're gonna LOVE this!)\n The story goes...\nAfter finishing filming, Simon (Xia Yao) went to take a quick nap. Jason (Yuan Zong) who was getting his lunch found Simon dozed off in the chair, his lips slightly parted. He asked an assistant beside him to take a picture to get "revenge" on Simon for "slapping" him during filming that day (it was apart of the movie :) ).\nOut of the blue, the whole crew watched in utter surprise as Jason gave Simon a "KISS" on the cheek!!!Β  But before people could get over that fact, a loud "BAP" sounded...Yes, our Yuan Zong was SLAPPED once again πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» (me: Dies)\nOnly then did Simon really wake up and explained, "I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry. I was just sleeping and..."\nJason said, "When Simon is sleeping, we need to stay at least 10 meters away in case we get attacked!" =))))) \n*********************\nAfter work, Xia Yao carried his emotionless face towards where Yuan Zong's car was parked outside.\nAs soon as Yuan Zong rolled his windows down, Xia Yao immediately threw the whole wooden house and the clay figurine into the vehicle.\n"Take your stupid toys away!"\nYuan Zong opened the minuscule door of the house model, he slowly pulled "Xiao Xia Yao" from within, his rough manly hand gently caressed it's lower anatomy. He lowered his voice, "You want me to keep it so I can get off using it?" (OH MY GOD 😱😱😱 Can you be anymore obvious, Yuan Zong???!!! >_
With just a disgusting move and a smart tongue, Yuan Zong has succeeded in making Xia Yao fly into a rage.\n"Take your filthy hand off my body!"\nYuan Zong shrugged like he couldn't care less, "If you don't want it, then why do you care what I do with the figurine?"\nXia Yao grounded his jaws together, finally reaching through the window and used all his might to steal the clay model back from Yuan Zong's hand. Yuan Zong intentionally withdrew his hand, making Xia Yao have to literally crawl into the car. Silky locks breezed over Yuan Zong's chin, scratching at his poor soul. All he wanted to do was pull Xia Yao into the car, embrace him tightly, kiss the life out of him, and rub his chin on Xia Yao head.\nXia Yao once again seized back the little thing.\nYuan Zong said, "If you'd just smile a little for me, I can consider making this clay model a small pant."\n\n"In you dreams!" Xia Yao rightly held the clay statue of himself, exerting a frosty attitude, "I would rather leave it naked than smile with you."\n"Okay, then you better lock it inside the model house, in case it escapes in its birthday suit."\nXia Yao grudgingly accepted the wooden house.\n* * *\nFriday afternoon, as Xia Yao stepped into the office, he saw Chang Tian and Xiao Hui engrossed in watching a video.\n"What are you watching?" (Ann: Uhm yeah, what are you watching? 😏😏😏)\nThe moment Xia Yao got close enough, Yuan Zong's face suddenly appeared in his vision.\nChang Tian said, "It's an interview of your brother-in-law."\nXia Yao scoffed and returned to his desk to play games, shutting out all outside noises. In the mist of playing, Xiao Hui smacked his shoulder.\nXia Yao took out his earphones, and said, "What's up?"\nXiao Hui easily said, "Your brother-in-law is one of ten most preeminent man in this country."\n"Him?" Xia Yao scrunched his face in distaste, "I don't see how he can be outstanding?"\nPre-eminent in having thick skin? Pre-eminent in finding shortcuts? Or maybe it's Pre-eminently gay?\n"Since he started his company till now, he has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not long ago on weibo people were sharing the story about this very poor family, who sold their organs just to help their sickly child, in the end, it was the company who paid for the child's surgery."\n"That's because they have money!"\nHowever, even though Xia Yao said that, his heart was still touched by this action. While some people says Yuan Zong was a straightforward person, Xia Yao has always felt that this man was small-minded, untrustworthy. But after hearing this, he discovered that Yuan Zong maybe just had a bad way of expressing his feelings, and was a good man on the inside.\nXia Yao stopped playing and walked over to get himself a drink.\nFrom the speaker, the interviewer said, "How do you think your company can take the lead in training bodyguards?"\nEmotionlessly, Yuan Zong answered, "Because I am not over ambitious."\nXia Yao almost coughed up blood into his cup. Not over ambitious? He can just imagine! If so, the dictionary really has to rewrite the meaning of such word!\nThe MC asked, "I've heard that your father's death hit you really hard, is that right?"\n"That's right, my mother passed away when I was just a child, it was my father who single handed brought my sister and I up."\nXiao Hui glanced at Chang Tian, "No wonder he cares so much about his sister's lovers, because his mother has passed away, he only has this girl left."\nChang Tian laughed haha, switching his gaze towards Xia Yao.\n"Xia Yao, really, you must accept Yuan Ru! Her family is really a fairytale! Our won't even have to do the whole "meet the parents" thing!"\nXia Yao shot laser eyes at his colleagues.\nFrom the computer, Yuan Zong continued, "That period was the darkest days of my life, I was meant to stay in the army, but because of family matters, I had no choice but to come back. I've once been a carpenter, a furniture maker, as well as a mechanic... During the hardest times I used to only eat one meal per day." (Yuan Zong!!! My poor baby! 😭)\nXia Yao was stunned to silence, his mind returning to that house model which he has taken a good look over, its interior details were even more intricately carved than the outside. At first Xia Yao thought that it had been bough at a high price, it never occurred to him that Yuan Zong had made it himself.\nWith thee thoughts, Xia Yao's hatred towards this man lessened. After all, Yuan Zong did build his career with two empty hands, hard-working and diligent, he was far from those pampered "princes".\n"Wow! Your brother in law is really talented! I feel like introducing my cousin to him now!"\nHearing that, Xia Yao lost his calm,pulling at Xiao Hui's sleeve, "Please, please do just that as soon as possible! If they really become a couple, I will get down on my knees and bow three times in front of you."\nXiao Hui happily answered, "You caring so much about him."\nXia Yao quickly kneed Xiao Hui in the face, the poor guy felt like a kilogram of vinegar has just been poured on his face, making tears stream down in torrents. (Poor Xiao Hui πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, you shouldn't go teasing Xia Yao's tender spots :v)\nJust as the three guys were teasing each other, a call was put through.\n"There's an emergency mission pack your gears straight away!"\n******************\nNext chapter will be full of fighting and killing T_T. My poor soul....\nLove,Ann\n