Weapon Master
Weapon Master
By Du You
2275 Chapters
6 Reviews
Hundreds of years ago, Human, Celestial Clan and Demon Clan lived together on the Origin Continent. However, a great war broke out between the three races. Shan He, the leader of Human, had discovered a catalogue of methods to forge Divine Weapons. With this catalogue, Shan He led Human to defeat the other two clans and expelled them from the Origin Continent. The peace did not last long. After the passing of Shan He, the once Glory Empire collapsed. Various forces of Human fell into a long period of wild war for the Divine Weapon Catalogue, but the catalogue was lost during the war. The Demon Clan took advantage of the internal strife of Human. Under the lead of their new lord, Fen Tian, the Demon army invaded the Origin Continent violently. Human soon lost a large portion of their territory. At that moment, a mysterious hero suddenly appeared on the battlefield. With a legendary Divine Weapon in hand, he severely injured Fen Tian and forced him to retreat. The united Human army chased the Demon army across the strait and to the Two Realm Plain on the Tranquil Continent. Once again, the various forces of Human started wildly searching for the Divine Weapon Catalogue…

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